What is this Membership thing all about ?

Well firstly it is FREE and its all about looking after you our customers

How do we do that?
We provide our customers with Free Access to any protected areas on the website.
We provide our customers with Free Advise on their projects.

You will also have the option to be on our mailing list. 
Not to be plagued with emails but only to inform you of changes in the industry or specials that you may want to take advantage of.

To receive your password please complete the form to the right.
With the words I am a customer please send me a password in the message area.
Also let us know there if you would like to be added to our mailing list.


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     We help you create successful projects.

Since opening in 1951 our range of products has grown massively. So has our knowledge. There is not much we haven't seen before so call us first. We can save you making costly mistakes.

Open Hours
Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30pm
Saturday                   8am - 12pm
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